ABA Australia is happy to announce that we will be holding monthly online ethic discussion groups. These groups will be for members only to enhance member's knowledge about ABA Australia's Code of Ethical Practice. The groups are limited to 10 members plus the meeting facilitator. This is to ensure that a discussion can happen, questions can be asked as well as an opportunity to meet your fellow members. Each month a new part of the Code of Ethical Practice will be discussed. Multiple sessions on the same topic will held throughout the month. Each event will be worth 1 ethics PDU. To ensure that all members get a chance to attend, we ask that you only sign up to one of these events. The format of the groups will be as follows:
In order to receive your 1 ethics PDU please ensure you arrive online, no later than 5 minutes after the start time, stay the entire 1 hour session (leave no more than 5 min before the end time) and complete the online feedback survey. A handout of session will be emailed to group attendees prior to the meeting. Prior to the meeting, it is suggested that you review the information on the handout as well as the section of the Code of Ethical Practice that will be discussed. |
NOVEMBER MEETING DATES Date & Time: November 20th 7:30pm Facilitators: Alayna Haberlin & Isabelle Jeffries Topic: Standard 4: Conflict of interest (4.1 Professional Boundaries/Relationships, 4.2 Giving/Receiving Gifts, & 4.3 Reporting misconduct) Facilitators: Koomal Kaur Ranjit Singh & Olivia Mennega Topic: Standard 4: Conflict of interest (4.1 Professional Boundaries/Relationships, 4.2 Giving/Receiving Gifts, & 4.3 Reporting misconduct) December Meeting Dates: To be announced soon |